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Soggy TOT Bucket Seat Savers available for under car seats for toddlers - food, drinks, "accidents" 

My kind of customers!!

Even the little ones need a Soggy Dog!

I have 3 dogs (mastiff/great dane/red heeler cross, 2 chihuahuas) that go with me pretty much everywhere and we usually go pretty dirty places (dog parks, the farm, rig sites) I bought the back seat cover for my megacab and I LOVE it I haven't had to vacuum my truck since I bought it! And I work on the rigs and am usually covered in pipe dope, mud, oil etc it's nice to be able to throw my dirty boots/coveralls/hard hats in the back seat and not worry about staining anything...  /BJ Bjarnason


PHONE:  604.833.4907


Phone: 604.833.4907
100 Mile House, B.C., Canada


American military K9 Unit

in Iraq chooses

Soggy Dog!

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